.NET Standard
. NET Standard is a formal specification of . NET APIs that are available on multiple . NET implementations. The motivation behind . NET Standard was to establish greater uniformity in the . NET ecosystem. .
I've written 3 blogs about .NET Standard.

MSBuild: Continuous Integration Assembly Versioning
Posted 5 years ago by Luc Shelton
A guide on how to automatically inject versioning information at compile-time with any C# based project in Visual Studio and MSBuild.

C# and Resource Management: Best Practices for Handling Unmanaged Resources
Posted 6 years ago by Luc Shelton
C# is commonly used on Windows with the Common-Language Runtime which is provided by the .

C++/CLI and C#: Writing Managed Wrappers for Native Code
Posted 6 years ago by Luc Shelton
A simple guide on how to write C# libraries that interface with code that is written in C++.